3 Yoga Poses Good For Digestive Health


Did you know that little details about how you stand and sit could be opening the gateway to becoming physically ill? Sometimes, the combination of gravity and diet can cause intestinal discomfort in the body. A person's posture at different times in life could secretly sabotage their health by making their digestion more difficult and placing a measurable amount of stress on the internal organs.

Here are some yoga poses that work wonders for your digestive health. First, we'll talk about the mayurasana pose. Then, we'll learn the benefits of the ardha matsyendrasana pose. And finally, we'll cover the paschimottanasana pose.


Mayurasana - The Peacock Pose

This pose has long been associated with the kind of digestive calm that would set you up to be able to eat almost anything. The masters of the form have considered this pose to be one that can grant flawless digestive power. It is thought that the system of deprivation and fulfillment is able to restart your digestive organs.

The idea of this pose is that the subject places all of his torso weight on his arms for the moment to reduce blood supply. Then, he releases his weight and allows the blood to once again flow into those organs. When the new blood and oxygen enter the organs, the small shock should jumpstart functions.


Ardha Matsyendrasana - Half Lord Of The Fishes

This one makes scientific sense. Science has uncovered the great network of canals in the body that make up the lymph system. Twists are really effective for improving the flow of liquids in the body.

Ardha matsyendrasana asks you to twist your body so that you are constantly flexing the fluids passing through your body. As each of the twists is performed, you are forcing everything to flow back and forth. This breaks up any fluids that have been sitting in one place too long, prevents pooling, and helps get old dead cells to disposal areas in the lymph nodes.


Pashchimottanasana - Seated Forward Bend

Of course, stretching in all of its various forms is extremely important for the body. Paschimottanasana is associated with back health, and it aids the stretching of the back. However, with some small modifications to the angle of the pose, it becomes an effective aid to help your digestive process.

This pose helps you push new blood into the organs by using force against your body. Simply fold yourself against a pillow and hold for a few seconds. When you release yourself, the blood will flow back into your organs.

Now, you've learned about some great digestive yoga poses. First, we learned about the mayurasana pose. Then, we discussed how the ardha matsyendrasana pose could help. And finally, we covered the benefits of a slightly altered paschimottanasana pose.

Digestive health is important. It's a good idea to always look for and try many ways of giving it a helping hand or a boost. Yoga is an excellent way to do that because posing doesn't cost money. Now, you're one step closer to having even better overall health!

Categories: Digestivehealth

About Author

Ruby McGarth

Ruby McGarth is a resident of Tallahassee, FL, and is a public relations manager. It brings her great joy to share her experiences - there are a lot! Some of Ruby's passions include aquatic biology, basketball, and jazz.